Canese Jarboe

Canese Jarboe

Canese Jarboe

Canese Jarboe’s debut collection of poetry, vo/luptuary, is forthcoming in 2020 from YesYes Books, where it was a finalist for the 2018 Pamet River Prize. Canese is also is the author of the chapbook dark acre (Willow Springs Books, 2018). Their poems have appeared in Willow Springs, Muzzle, TYPO, Indiana Review, Hayden's Ferry ReviewThe Adroit Journal, and elsewhere. They hold an MFA in poetry from University of Idaho and volunteer as a poetry reader for Boulevard. Canese came up in the Ozarks, where they earned a BA from Pittsburg State University in English and gender studies. They currently teach at Southeastern Louisiana University.

Foundlings books by Canese Jarboe: